Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Solidarity with the protests in Greece

public anger by murplej@ne - under deconstruction.On Saturday 6 December, the Greek police without being provoked, murdered in cold blood a 15-year old school boy in the centre of Athens. Immediately afterwards, spontaneous protests spread through Athens, Thessaloniki and other cities in Greece.The protests to escalated to widespread riots all over the country joined by thousands of people and lasting till early hours of the morning. The following day a big demonstration with 10,000 people marched in the central streets of Athens towards the Central Police Station and ended up in clashes with the police for a second night.On Monday morning, thousands of high school students skipped classes and headed to local police stations all over Greece showing their outrage against the police brutality.In the evening huge crowds gathered in central Athens in front of the House of Parliament and battled with the police and the security forces for a third night in a row.In all the big cities but also in towns as small as Arta, Korfu and Ithaqa, social unrest is mounting and tension with the authorities has brought the Government to a situation beyond its control.Contrary to the Government’s and media, this murder is not an isolated event. The Greek police has increasingly used violence against students, workers, youngsters, immigrants and social groups resisting the policies of austerity, unemployment, social insecurity and the collapse of the public education system.The Greek government has created a police state in order to suppress the escalating social unrest that its own neoliberal agenda has created. The continuous armament of an expanding police force, the adoption zero-tolerance policies, the shrinkage of civil and political rights, are used as mechanisms of social control. A series of events like workplace accidents, hunger strikes by prisoners, pogroms against immigrants and refugees, torture at the police detention centres, numerous economic scandals, all contributed to the unprecedented social tension of the last few days.We express our solidarity with the protesters in Greece and support their just struggle and we call for the immediate release of all those arrested in the protests in Greece.

Monday, November 24, 2008

BN dan Polis Kejam!!!

Polis bertindak secara kasar untuk menyuraikan orang ramai yang berhimpun di padang Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ) untuk menghadiri majlis pelancaran kempen mansuhkan ISA di situ pada 23 Nov 2008.

Tujuh orang telah ditahan.

Tindakan polis adalah kejam dan mencabuli hak asasi manusia. Mengikut Piagam Hak-hak Asasi Sedunia (Universal Declaration of Human Rights), setiap manusia berhak asasi untuk bersuara dan berhimpun.

Kerajaan BN harus dikecam! Ketua Polis Ampang Jaya harus dipecat!

Anda boleh hubungi Balai Polis Pandan Indah untuk memberi tekanan. Tel: 03-9274 2222.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hikayat Musawi Mujahid dan Rakannya - Bab 3

Setelah Belanda menduduki Tanah Melayu, mereka juga tidak mempeduli dan membangunkan Tanah Melayu. Mereka sama dengan Portugis, semata-mata menggali bijih timah sahaja. Bijih timah telah membawa kekayaan yang besar kepada mereka. Terdapat segelintir rakyat cuba memberontak dan meruntuhkan pemerintahan Belanda. Tetapi mereka telah dibunuh.

Berpuluh-puluh tahun kemudian, satu lagi kuasa barat yang amat kuat, iaitu British akhirnya telah sampai di Asia Tenggara. Tujuan mereka adalah sama dengan Portugis dan Belanda.

Mereka yang hendak, juga adalah sumber-sumber yang berharga di Asia Tenggara. Pihak British amat suka Tanah Melayu yang berkedudukan strategik dan bersumber banyak. Mereka meminta Belanda menyerahkan Tanah Melayu kepada empayar mereka.

Oleh kerana British terlalu kuat dan tentera lautnya amat mengerikan. Belanda turut menukar tanah dengan British. Semua tanah di barat Selat ditetapkan di bawah naungan Belanda. Manakala, sebelah timur Selat adalah dimasukkan dalam tanah jajahan British.

Begitulah, mulanya sejarah baru di Tanah Melayu. Penjajah yang baru telah pun sampai!

Hikayat Musawi Mujahid dan Rakannya - Bab 2

Semasa Portugis begitu gembira tentang kekayaan mereka. Sebuah negeri barat yang kuat, Belanda telah muncul.

Belanda cuba campur tangan di Asia Tenggara disebabkan tertarik juga kepada kekayaan sumber di Asia Tenggara.

Dengan pantasnya, Belanda telah menduduki Tanah Indonesia. Belanda cuba menduduki Tanah Melayu. Belanda telah mulakan penyerangan terhadap tanah jajahan Portugis di Tanah Melayu. Dalam pertempuran, Belanda telah kalah di tangan Portugis disebabkan kedudukan strategik Tanah Melayu telah memberi pertahanan yang kuat kepada Portugis.

Pada masa tersebut, rakyat Tanah Melayu telah berpengalaman dan mula bingkit untuk melawan Portugis yang semata-mata mahukan sumber asli sahaja tanpa mempeduli kehidupan rakyat Tanah Melayu.

Tidak lama kemudian, Belanda menghantar tenteranya yang begitu ramai menyerang Portugis lagi. Portugis dipakasa menghantar kebanyakan tenteranya membalas serang. Pada ketika inilah, rakyat bangkit dan menentang Portugis. Dengan bergabungnya dua kuasa yang kuat, iaitu Belanda dan rakyat, Portugis akhirnya dikalahkan. Ketua Portugis terpaksa melarikan diri.

Beginilah, tentera Belanda telah berjaya menduduki Tanah Melayu.

Tanah Melayu telah sekali lagi jatuh ke tangan empayar barat yang baru.

Hikayat Musawi Mujahid dan Rakannya - Bab 1

Tanah Melayu merupakan tanah yang mulia dan suci, serta mempunyai pelbagai sumber yang amat mencukupi.

Orang Senoi, Semang, Abori dan Melayu telah masing-masing sampai dan tinggal di tanah yang kaya dengan pelbagai sumber tersebut. Mereka tinggal di tanah tersebut beratus-ratus tahun.

Mereka hidup dengan gembira sehingga satu hari itu.

Hari itu, tentera Portugis telah menyerang Tanah Melayu dan berjaya menduduki tanah tersebut. Portugis dan negari-negeri barat lain datang ke sini hanya semata-mata untuk mengaut keuntungan, merampas sumber-sumber yang kaya-raya serta meluaskan empayar mereka. Sumber asli seperti rempah, bijih timah, kayu dan lain-lain adalah amat berharga di pasaran dunia.

Portugis berjaya mengaut keuntungan yang banyak dengan berjaya menduduki Tanah Melayu.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Mengecam Utusan! Mempertahankan Hak-hak HINDRAF!

Saya ingin mengecam Utusan yang sering mangapi-apikan isu dan memutarpelikkan isu Hindraf. Utusan telah membuang maruah sebagai sebuah akhbar. Utusan sanggup diperalat oleh UMNO untuk menyerang Hindraf.

Hindraf mempunyai hak untuk bersuara. Tindakan Hindraf yang mempertahankan hak asasi rakyat dan golongan miskin harus dihormati.

Utusan sudi diperlat! Boikot Utusan!

Bacalah akhbar yang benar/akbar alternatif:
Malaysia Today
Suara Keadilan

Sinar Harian

ISA zalim! Mansuhkan ISA!

Memperkenal Blog yang bagus - The Huffington Post

The Huffington Post adalah satu blog yang terkenal dan mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat.

Blog tersebut dipunyai oleh Arianna Huffington. Blog beliau dikunjungi seramai 8 juta orang setiap bulan. Blog beliau terdapat colum, perbincangan isu terkini serta berita-berita politik terkini.

Arianna Huffington adalah graduan Universiti Cambrigde.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

60% Malaysian households' income less than RM3, 000

According to the Department of Statistics Malaysia, more than half of the Malaysian households earn a monthly income of less than RM3,000.

Table of income tabulation:

Income range Percentage (%)
below RM1,000 8.6%
RM1,000 to RM2,000 29.4%
RM2,001 to RM3,000 19.8%
RM3,001 to RM4,000 12.9%
RM4,001 to RM5,000 8.6%
RM5,001 to RM10,000 15.8%
above RM10,000 4.9%

We can do a conclusion that Malaysia has more than 70% households live in poor especially price hike for all the goods now.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Abolish ISA! Mansuhkan ISA!

Release all detainees! Bebaskan Tahanan ISA!
Abolish ISA! Mansuhkan ISA!


Today (12 Sep 2008) at 1.10pm the police came to RPK's house and arrested him under Internal Security Act section 73(1). They ransacked RPK's bedroom and took away some documents and CDs.


Friday, September 05, 2008

My best senior is coming back Malaysia! Yeah!

My good senior is coming back Malaysia.
She is Siew Ling. She will come back with my another good senior, Shee Juan.

Both if them are good activist in my heart.

Siew Ling good in making fun and kidding. You will laugh non stop when you meet her.
Now, she is pregnant.

Hehe... this really a good news!

My another two seniors, Kai Ping and Pai Chee got a huge baby on 4 Sept 2008. The baby girl achieved 3.72kg. Wow!

Siew Ling and Shee Juan, now looking you both!

Welcome back!
All the best!

See you~ muacks!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Malaysia Today blocked twice by Government!

Malaysia Today is a very famous and popular news blog.

According to The Star, Malaysia Today receives 1.5 million hits a day, and is one of the top ten political sites in Malaysia.

Now, Malaysia Today ( is being blocked by Malaysian Government. Malaysian Government is not only block Malaysia Today once, but today Malaysian Government blocked again Malaysia Today ( Malaysian Government tried to block a blog twice!

To access use the address You can check the site status at or google for "Malaysia Today ".

Besides, you can go to youtube or google to search Malaysia Today.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Sokong Anwar! Merdekakan Negara dari Kezaliman dan Penindasan!

Kini, Anwar bersama dengan rakyat, merdekakan Negara dari kezaliman dan penindasan. Mansuhkan ISA! Mansuhkan AUKU! Jaga kebajikan miskin dan lemah! Mempertahankan kebebasan rakyat!

Hidup perjuangan! Lawan tetap lawan! Hidup Rakayat!

Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

Mengenai Anwar Ibrahim

Oleh Khalid JaafarÂ

Anwar Ibrahim kini telah memasuki tahap ketiga dalam hayat politiknya. Tahap pertama bermula sebagai pemimpin mahasiswa di Universiti Malaya. Sebagai presiden Persatuan Bahasa Melayu Universiti Malaya (PBUM), beliau memperjuangkan perlaksanaan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan. Sebagai presiden Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar-pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM), Anwar mula meniupkan kesedaran Islam di kalangan generasi muda. Gerakan ini diteruskan dengan lebih meluas dengan menubuh dan memimpin selama sepuluh tahun Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM). Meskipun tapak Anwar adalah Melayu-Islam namun sifat inklusif beliau telah kelihatan dalam kepimpinan beliau sebagai presiden Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM).

Anwar Ibrahim membuat keputusan decisive dalam tahun 1981. Desas desus adalah beliau akan menyertai Pas. Dan Presiden Pas ketika itu telah memberikan laluan. Semua pimpinan ABIM dan PKPIM tahu gosip tersebut. Dan hampir kesemua meramalkan dan tidak sedikit yang mahukan Anwar mengambil alih pucuk pimpinan Pas. Dan saya yang ketika itu baru menjadi pemberita di harian National Echo (mendiang) turut berpandangan begitu. Bos saya ketika itu, Datuk Sophie (bapa kepada Nordin Sophie), memberitahu saya bahawa Anwar akan menyertai UmMNO. “Saya tidak percaya,” jawab saya kepada Datuk Sophie. Anggapan saya ketika itu, sebagai anak muda baru keluar ITM, adalah setiap pemimpin muda yang idealis tidak akan menyertai kerajaan. Kalau menyertai kerajaan ia telah dibeli. Anwar Ibrahim tidak boleh dibeli. Kalau dia ingin menyertai kerajaan dia telah menerima tawaran Tun Abdul Razak sebaik sahaja dia lulus dari Universiti Malaya.


Header image

Sunday, August 03, 2008


Internationale is the greatest revolutionary song ever written.
This video song's lyric is very good. It is anti racism and calling all the people united.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

GST expends to our whole life...

Goods and services tax (GST) is applying to our life. In many countries, however, where collection of personal income taxes and corporate profit taxes has been historically weak, so they apply Value added tax (VAT), or goods and services tax (GST) collection has been more successful than other types of taxes. It is levied on the added value that results from each exchange. It differs from a sales tax because a sales tax is levied on the total value of the exchange.

In the end, the poor pay more, in comparison, than the rich. The rich and corporation will more benefit in VAT or GST system. Because they can avoid to pay the income tax after VAT or GST is applied. Unfortunately, the poor who has low income is going to pay the goods and services with higher price after VAT or GST applied.

* A Malaysia minister said, below RM2,000 salary is considered as poor.

GST is mostly known as VAT (Value Added Tax) in countries that apply the system. Countries that use the term GST include Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Canada and now, Malaysia.

VAT/GST was introduced in France in 1954 by Maurice Lauré, to replace a system which relied a highly distortionary turnover tax on sales to supplement a rather ineffectual income tax system.

Today 138 countries utilise Value Added Taxes (VAT) whilst a number of countries - notably the US, operate sales taxes, usually single-stage taxes at retail. In almost all countries these taxes are either the largest or second largest source of tax revenues.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Toni Kassim

The great human rights and women rights activist, Toni Kassim passed away last night (3 June 2008).

I met Toni when my 1st year university life. Because my senior, Lih Kang asked me to join KOMAS workshop. DEMA also invite Toni to train universities' students in Human Rights Workshop. Toni had struggled for human rights and women rights in her whole life.

I still remember that I was interviewed by Toni in year 2006 when I applied SUARAM job. Of course she tested me with some human rights question.

Toni had contested in 1999 General Election with ‘women’s ticket’. She was the only one candidate who contested for women rights.

That year, Toni contested the Selayang parliamentary seat against Barisan Nasional’s Chan Kong Choy, although she stood under the DAP banner for logistical reasons.

In year 2008, WCI had decided to send Toni to contest in general election on ‘women’s ticket again. However, Toni pulled out of elections when her health has taken a turn for the worse.

Toni passed on is a great lost for our country and society.

The works to achieve "gender equality and the empowerment of women" will be continued.

One day, all people are created free and equal.

May dear toni rest in peace and we shall miss her dearly.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

One ringgit one person to save Raja Petra!

Malaysiakini: Malaysia Today news portal webmaster Raja Petra Kamaruddin was today charged with sedition at the Petaling Jaya Sessions Court.

You can donate one ringgit to support Raja Petra Kamaruddin.
Click the link below:

Monday, April 21, 2008


It has been reported that the DAP will support the forthcoming BN’s anti-hopping law (Star Online 23.3.08). When strange bedfellows concur, that’s always a sign that Malaysians should look at this issue objectively and be wary of moral breast beating by politicians.

Untrustworthy Party Leaders

Clearly, the root of the problem lies in the nature of the parties themselves that they breed turncoats, careerists and opportunists. We know that the BN’s biggest concern at the moment is the enticement of their MPs into the new Pakatan Rakyat. The DAP, through its dappled history has been continually plagued by party hoppers. Traditionally, it has tried to deter would-be hoppers by making all candidates sign an agreement before they stand in the elections but Dr Shad Faruqi (NST 21.3.08) has pointed out that such agreements will not necessarily stand in a court of law.

PAS also had an ADUN (Nordin Salleh) who hopped into UMNO in 1992 and the subsequent Kelantan State constitutional amendment to prevent party hopping was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1992. Then in 1994, we even saw an entire Parti Bersatu Sabah hopping to the BN after it had presented itself as an Opposition party at the 9th general election.

SO WHAT? Like most things in life, you cannot legislate fuzzy morality that clashes with fundamental liberties. When parties celebrate their “ideology-free” political platform and thrive on careerism and opportunism, this is what we are going to get! They cannot then pass a law to prevent their opportunist politicians from hopping to other parties.

Fundamental Liberties & the Constitution

From legal point of view, I am inclined to agree with Malaik Imtiaz Sarwar’s (24.3.08) position that such an anti-party hopping law will contravene a fundamental liberty, viz. the freedom of association in Article 10 (1) © of the Federal Constitution. This principle has been upheld in the Supreme Court judgement (DUN Kelantan & Another v Nordin Salleh & Another) of 1992.

Article 10 (2) © allows the circumvention of this right only if “necessary or expedient in the interest of the security of the Federation or any part thereof, public order or morality.” But we did not see the Federation in any danger even when the PBS hopped en masse into the BN in 1994. We normally attribute such extra-sensory powers to perceive threats to national security to the BN Home Minister!

More fundamentally, the Constitution does not restrict candidates for elections to members of political parties. Candidates sign nomination forms as individuals and not as representatives of their parties. That is why we can stand as independent candidates under an array of exotic symbols! The fact that some voters vote for a party and not for an individual is incidental to this fundamental legal point.

What of “Seat Grabbing”?

If some people are morally incensed by party hopping, yet others are outraged by the continued practice of “seat grabbing” – usually by the elite in the party who think they are indispensable in the Federal Parliament and State Assembly IN THE SAME TERM! If I am not mistaken, this is the only country where such a greedy habit is practiced.

For sociological interest, this tends to be the practice among the petty bourgeois class who still harbour a scarcity mentality and will try to convince you that they can manage to look after both their parliamentary and state constituencies with ample assistants. The bourgeoisie in the BN have more discreet charm and eye much bigger prizes than such messy inconveniences!

Should we then pass a law preventing these party elites from “grabbing” both federal parliament and the state assembly seats in the same term? The simple justification would be that this practice does not do justice to the respective constituencies and it squanders the democratic principle of representation.

Unfortunately, the law is silent on this and neither is the constitution’s role to police the politics of opportunism!

(By Dr Kua Kia Soong, Director of SUARAM, 18 April 2008)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

UMNO, jangan tipu!

Saya sokong tindakan kerajaan Selangor menggunakan teknologi tinggi (high tech) untuk menyelesaikan masalah penternakan khinzir (babi).

Tindakan kerajaan Selangor tersebut bukan sahaja boleh menyelesaikan masalah kebersihan penternakan khinzir, juga boleh menjaga kebajikan penternak.

Baru-baru ini, akhbar yang dikontol oleh UMNO, Utusan sengaja memainkan isu penternakan khinzir (babi). Tujuan UMNO-Utusan adalah untuk memainkan perasaan setiap kaum dan agama. Demi kepentingan sendiri, mereka sanggup mempermainkan rakyat. Begitu zalimnya UMNO-Utusan.

Akhirnya, YB Tuan Yaakob Sapari (PENGERUSI JAWATANKUASA TETAP PEMODENAN PERTANIAN, PENGURUSAN SUMBER ALAM DAN PEMBANGUNAN USAHAWAN) menunjukkan bukti bahawa, ADUN Tanjong Sepat UMNO, Karim Mansor pernah pergi ke Ladang Penternakan Khinzir (Babi) di Jerman (German). Karim Mansor mengangkat ibu jari dan cakap bagus!

ADUN Tanjong Sepat UMNO, Karim Mansor di ladang penternakan babi Jerman.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Days of hope: A check-list for reform

Kua Kia Soong | Mar 15, 08 11:58am

When the euphoria of the 2008 general elections has evaporated and we have all come down to earth, it is time to see what is possible to reform in the states ruled by the PKR-DAP-PAS coalition.

As each community pushes forward their demands and grievances, let us not neglect the Orang Asli community, our original people who need the most assistance and are the only community that deserves affirmative action because they are still largely unruffled by class differentiation.

Basically, the whole State List and the Concurrent List of the Ninth Schedule of the Federal Constitution are potential targets for reform but feel free to add to the list. These include:

1. Land

Land tenure for indigenous peoples, farmers and titles for New Villagers who have used their land for years should be settled once and for all instead of being given out only as election candy to a few at each election. Only then will landowners have the incentive to develop their land or enterprises to the benefit of the whole nation.

2. Rent

To regulate rent and regularise the relation of landlord and tenant, we should institute a Rent Tribunal to ensure fair rents for tenants and landlords.

3. Forests

Re-gazette forests that have been degazetted and rectify all the despoliation by the old regime. Allegations of corruption in these development projects involving permanent forest reserves and wildlife reserves should be investigated and the culprits brought to book. Halt all projects involving destruction of hills and forests and gazette all possible green lungs in the state.

4. Local government

Introducing local government elections is a priority. Also, services including education, housing, health, transport, places of worship and burial/cremation grounds should be brought under the purview of local governments.

Local Education Authorities should be brought back as a means not only to meet the needs of the various ethnic communities but also as an effective way to stop the politicisation of education. Allocation for the various services including the different language-stream schools would then be on the basis of proportionate need.

5. Water supply and rivers

Each state under PKR-DAP-PAS should implement a State Water Policy as an example for the other states. This would incorporate water conservation; water demand management through pricing and fiscal measures; re-piping; cleaning up rivers and preserving our natural water catchments. All new water supply projects should be halted in view of this state water policy and until proper evaluation and peoples' views have been heard.

6. Libraries, museums and heritage protection

The PKR-DAP-PAS-run states should be an example in providing excellent libraries in every town and city; aim toward having at least one good museum in their state, and gazette as many heritage buildings as they can throughout the state.

7. Social welfare and social services

Priority should be given to lifting the livelihood of the poorest in the state, especially the indigenous peoples, plantation workers, urban settlers, and farmers; more facilities for women, young persons, children and the disabled; a system of mean testing to ensure that the poorest are helped and a sliding scale of diminishing assistance for those higher up the scale. Throughout this exercise, emphasis should be on empowering the communities concerned and encouragement of self-help.

8. Scholarships

Awarding of scholarships should be based on merit although consideration should be given to under-represented groups. Grants and loans should be based on means testing according to a sliding scale of affordability.

9. Housing

A new housing policy would ensure decent housing for the lower income groups and adequate compensation for those who have to make way for new housing or development projects.

10. Culture

The PKR-DAP-PAS-run state governments should implement a truly multi-cultural policy by giving adequate allocations and encouragement to all cultures and language streams. Thus, they can compensate for the federal government's discrimination against Chinese and Tamil schools in terms of financial allocation by providing much-needed assistance.

DR KUA KIA SOONG is director of human rights group Suaram.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Henti Peperangan! Keluar dari Iraq!

Semalam 20 hb Mac 2008 adalah tahun kelima Iraq diserang (occupied) dan dikeduduki oleh Bush dan pihak pentadbir Amerika Syarikat (US).

Tujuan Bush dan pihak pentadbir Amerika Syarikat menyerang dan menduduki Iraq hanya kerana minyak mentah dan kedudukan Iraq yang strategi.

Tindakan Bush dan keputusan pihak pentadbir Amerika Syarikat telah menyebabkan ramai orang terkorban. Jumlah orang yang terkorban telah melebihi jumlah mangsa 911. Peperangan tersebut telah menyebabkan kebuluran dan kemiskinan yang serius.

Bush adalah "war crime". Bush dan pihak pentadbir Amerika Syarikat perlu bertanggungjawab atas kesalahan mereka. Rakyat sedunia akan menghukum mereka yang menindas. Sejarah akan mencatatkan nama busuk mereka.

Henti Peperangan! Keluar dari Iraq!

Someone post a comment to attack Raja Petra...

Today, someone irresponsible post a link in my blog. The content of the linked website is attacking Raja Petra.

Of course I know some people want to attack Raja Petra. It is because Raja Petra is not support BN and oppression.

Anyway, I will support Raja Petra because Raja Petra support democracy.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Pemimpin BN makan rakyat

Utusan Malaysia memaparkan tajuk berita "Melayu Makan Melayu". Sebenarnya, siapa yang makan Melayu?

Pemimpin UMNO yang makan Melayu! Najib telah makan banyak. Betul tak?

Bukan itu saja, pemimpin MCA juga makan Cina. Ong Ka Ting telah makan banyak. Kalau dia kata dia tak makan, adakah saudara-saudari percaya?

Selain itu, Samy Vellu juga makan India. Saya percaya saudara-saudari pasti setuju kepada kenyataan tersebut.

Kesimpulannya, janganlah kita percaya kepada Utusan Malaysia yang dikontrol oleh UMNO sendiri. Kita mesti ingat, yang makan rakyat ialah Barisan Nasional (BN)!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Malaysia Opposition Party big won in 12th General election!

Malaysia Opposition Party big won in 12th General election!

More information please read malaysiakini.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

You tak boleh banding harga durian Malaysia dengan Jepun! Bodoh!

Point yang bagus!!!

Najib Mongolia kata minyak Thailand dan Singapura lebih mahal dari Malaysia.
Yalah, mereka bukan negara keluar minyak. Kita mesti banding dengan Brunei, Arab Saudi... Ini ekonomi tak tahu...
You tak boleh banding harga durian Malaysia dengan Jepun! Bodoh!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Aliens vs Predator - Requiem (AVPR)

I have just watched "Aliens vs Predator - Requiem (AVPR)".
Of course, this movie rating is quite low.

Anyway, I found one of the dialog is quite good.

The colonel asks the victims to go to the centre of the town. But the women, Kelly feel the colonel is lying. She asks everyone to not follow the instruction.

Those victims are deciding, whether they should believe to the colonel’s instruction.One of the characters, Jessie says, “That’s crazy! The government doesn’t lie to people.

So guess, who is correct?

In the end, of course those believing government are all killed. They are not killed by the aliens or predator. But they are killed by the aircraft which assigned by the colonel.

The conclusion is… Don’t believe to your government! Think twice to the government’s stories.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

About Chua Soi Lek's resignation

On 2 Jan 2008, Health minister and MCA vice-president Datuk Dr Chua Soi Lek resigned from his government, all party posts and as Labis MP with immediate effect.

I look at this case from three perspectives.

1. Who decide his resignation?
2. Does his case involve public interest or just a personal accountability?
3. Personally, he is a good husband or good father?

My answer for question 1 is let the people decide Chua's resignation but not the PM or party although Malaysian may be low standard in analysis. (If Chua's step down of the moral reason, we should do more education work on Malaysian.)

My opinion for question 2 is: So far, I can't see this isseu is related to public interest. I think this is his personal private.

For 3: I personally think he is not a good husband and not a good father. But the reason to ask a minister step down should not is personal accountability. Reason to step down should be corruption, human rights violation, sexism or racism. It is because a good husband or a good father may be is a racist or a bad leader. Don't forget, Adolf Hitler is a person who very loves his family but he still killed many people when he was the leader of Germany. Oh... I nearly forget one thing. You and I have no right to help Chua's wife and children to do the decision to accept Chua or not.

Last but not least, we should not allow vehemently to the spying culture prevalent among society.

I think an women's rights activist, Tony Kassim has made an good arguement:

PETALING JAYA (Jan 2, 2008): Former Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek’s resignation was an emotional response to society’s inflated sense of moral high ground, said women’s rights activist Zaitun Kasim.

"Is it for the public to make these decisions?" she asked, stating firmly that the real crime is in the invasion of privacy, rather than adultery.

Adultery, according to Zaitun, is more of a moral issue that is determined by each individual’s personal accountability, rather than a crime.

"Whether we agree or not (with his actions), it’s his personal life."

She also objected vehemently to the spying culture prevalent among society. "What now, do we have to go to hotels at our own risk?" she quipped.

"We’re going after the wrong people with the wrong attitude," she added.

Zaitun maintained that it was obvious that Chua was set up by politically motivated people who spent so much time and effort setting up the spy cameras and distributing copies of the video to the public, especially while election season looms near.

"If they had put half their brain and energy into positive endeavours like flood mitigation, that would have actually benefited the public."

"Morality is a slippery issue, it’s easy to point fingers, but who are we to make such judgments?"

(The Sun