Monday, December 25, 2006

Gov’t urged to lift ban on Chinese language club

Gov’t urged to lift ban on Chinese language club
Andrew Ong
Nov 30, 06 7:55pm

Their organisation has been banned for over 24 years. But it didn’t stop the students from seeking to revive the outlawed Chinese Language Society at the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). However, their appeal to the campus authorities was rejected.

Today, the students took their case to the Higher Education Ministry.

Their appeal was made by a student committee set up to re-establish the organisation - which was deregistered in 1972 - through a memorandum to Higher Education Minister Mustapa Mohamed today.

The memorandum was received by Mustapa’s press secretary Amar Ikmal, who had a chat with the delegation of 25 students, comprising committee members and several other Chinese-language society members from other universities.

After the 30-minute meet however, committee representative Wong Keen Yee expressed disappointment that despite prior notification and the severity of the matter, they were unable to meet the minister personally.

“Amar said that the minister was very busy this week. However, he did say that the ministry would look into the matter,” Wong told malaysiakini.

Club forges unity

The crux of their complaint was a letter by UPM student affairs department, which rejected the application for the society’s establishment because the ministry has a policy against formation of racial or language-based associations.

The department said the policy was in place to encourage unity and integration among students.

However, repeated attempts by the committee to obtain documented proof of such a regulation from various authorities were futile, thus prompting them to raise the matter with the ministry itself.

In the memorandum, the group argued that the society aimed to promote Chinese language and culture, and its membership was open to all. It should therefore not be seen to be a racially exclusive club.

“In a country which consist of many ethnic groups and cultures, knowing each other’s language and culture can bring understanding and forge better ties among the people,” read the memorandum.

Double standards

Furthermore, the committee argued that denying the society’s registration was an act of double standards as similar societies already exists in UPM and other universities.

Examples include silat clubs (Malay martial arts), English debating clubs, Buddhist associations and Islamic students clubs.

The committee urged the university and the ministry to allow the registration of the society and show transparency in revealing the guidelines and regulations regarding the formation of such societies on campus.

In 1972, a crackdown on student activism dubbed ‘Operasi Mayang’ resulted in many student groups being deregistered, including UPM’s Chinese Language Society.

At present, only Universiti Malaya and Universiti Sains Malaysia have recognised Chinese language societies, while attempts to revive or establish such clubs exists in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Universiti Utara Malaysia.

http://www.malaysia news/60359

Memorandum Jawatankuasa Penubuhan Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua Universiti Putra Malaysia Kepada Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi

Khamis 30 November 2006

Menuntut Penubuhan Persatuan Bahasa TiongHua universiti putra malaysia


Kami ingin menubuhkan Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua untuk memperkenalkan budaya dan bahasa Tionghua kepada pelbagai kaum serta meningkatkan persefahaman. Selain daripada itu, penubuhan Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua juga bertujuan untuk memupuk integrasi antara kaum. Oleh itu, kami telah menubuhkan satu jawatankuasa untuk membuat permohonan pendaftaran Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). (Lampiran 1)

Jawatankuasa Penubuhan Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua UPM telah mengirim surat yang pertama kepada Yg. Bhg. Prof. Madya Dr. Azali bin Mohamed, Timbalan Naib Canselor (Hal Ehwal Pelajar & Alumni) UPM untuk mendapatkan piawaian tentang syarat-syarat serta prosedur untuk mendaftarkan sebuah persatuan baru di bawah universiti pada 25 Ogos 2006. Surat tersebut juga menyoal sama ada Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua boleh didaftarkan di bawah universiti atau tidak. (Lampiran 2)

Oleh sebab tidak menerima maklum balas daripada pihak universiti, Jawatankuasa Penubuhan Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua UPM telah mengirimkan surat yang ke-2 kepada Yg. Bhg. Prof. Madya Dr. Azali bin Mohamed, Timbalan Naib Canselor (Hal Ehwal Pelajar & Alumni) UPM pada 8 September 2006 untuk mendapat maklum balas dari pihak universiti dan surat ini telah dikirimkan sebagai salinan kepada Yg. Bhg. Profesor Dr. Nik Mustapha bin R. Abdullah, Naib Canselor UPM dan Y.B. Dato' Mustapa bin Mohamed, Menteri Pengajian Tinggi. (Lampiran 3)

Pada 14 September 2006, Jawatankuasa Penubuhan Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua UPM telah mendapat surat balasan daripada Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar UPM. Kandungan surat hanya menyentuh tentang prosedur untuk membuat permohonan pendaftaran, tetapi tidak dinyatakan piawaian ataupun syarat-syarat bagi sebuah persatuan untuk didaftarkan. (Lampiran 4)

Kami juga mendapat penjelasan daripada Timbalan Pendaftar Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar UPM, Pn. Noraihan binti Noordin secara lisan tentang tafsiran pihak universiti ke atas syarat penubuhan sesebuah persatuan di bawah universiti. Beliau mengatakan bahawa, menurut Perlembagaan Universiti Putra Malaysia P.U. (A) 106 Bahagian I Seksyen 5, mana-mana persatuan yang ditubuhkan berasaskan satu jenis bahasa atau bangsa adalah tidak dibenarkan didaftar di bawah universiti. Kami hanya dijawab secara lisan oleh beliau bagi soalan-soalan yang dikemukakan tanpa diberi pernyataan bertulis tentang syarat-syarat khusus sesebuah persatuan yang dibenarkan berdaftar. Kami telah mendapatkan satu salinan Perlembagaan Universiti daripada Lembaga Perundangan UPM dan pihak berkenaan juga memberitahu kami secara lisan bahawa segala syarat pendaftaran adalah berasaskan Perlembagaan Universiti. (Lampiran 5)

Pada 26 September 2006, Jawatankuasa Penubuhan Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua UPM mengirimkan surat ke-3 kepada Yg. Bhg. Prof. Madya Dr. Azali bin Mohamed, Timbalan Naib Canselor (Hal Ehwal Pelajar & Alumni) UPM untuk meminta panduan atau syarat untuk sebuah persatuan baru yang dibenarkan berdaftar di bawah universiti dan mengesahkan kenyataan secara lisan yang dibuat oleh Timbalan Pendaftar Pn. Noraihan binti Noordin. Selain daripada itu, surat kami juga menyatakan bahawa Persatuan Bahasa TiongHua UPM adalah bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan bahasa dan budaya TiongHua kepada pelajar-pelajar UPM, tanpa mengira bangsa dan agama. Dengan objektif penubuhan sebegini, diharapkan pihak Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar UPM memberikan jawapan yang nyata dan jelas sama ada Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua boleh didaftar di bawah universiti atau tidak. (Lampiran 6)

Pada 2 Oktober 2006, Jawatankuasa Penubuhan Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua UPM menerima surat daripada Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar UPM menyatakan bahawa penubuhan persatuan yang bercirikan bangsa dan bahasa adalah tidak dibenarkan serta memaklumkan kepada Jawatankuasa Penubuhan bahawa larangan berkenaan adalah selaras dengan Dasar Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi untuk menggalakkan perpaduan erat di kalangan warganegara dan mengamalkan integrasi kaum. Surat tersebut turut dilampir keratan akhbar New Strait Times yang bertarikh 17 September 2006. Keratan tersebut menyatakan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi tidak membenarkan penubuhan persatuan bercirikan satu bangsa, budaya dan kawasan komuniti di bawah universiti. Ia juga menyatakan bahawa pihak kementerian akan kaji semula undang-undang untuk membubarkan persatuan yang sedia ada seperti Persatuan Bahasa Melayu yang telah wujud selama satu dekad. (Lampiran 7)

Pada 25 Oktober 2006, Jawatankuasa Penubuhan Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua UPM mengirimkan surat ke-4 kepada Yg. Bhg. Prof. Madya Dr. Azali bin Mohamed, Timbalan Naib Canselor (Hal Ehwal Pelajar & Alumni) UPM untuk meminta pihak universiti mengemukakan pekeliling tentang dasar Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi yang dinyatakan dalam lampiran keratan akhbar yang disertakan dengan surat balasan pihak Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar UPM yang bertarikh 2 Oktober 2006. (Lampiran 8)

Disebabkan tidak menerima maklum balas daripada pihak universiti, Jawatankuasa Penubuhan Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua UPM telah mengirim surat kepada Y.B. Dato' Mustapa bin Mohamed, Menteri Pengajian Tinggi pada 20 November 2006 untuk mendapat dokumen sah tentang dasar Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi yang dinyatakan dalam surat pihak Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar UPM yang bertarikh 2 Oktober 2006. (Lampiran 9)

Oleh sebab belum dapat maklum balas daripada pihak Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, Jawatankuasa Penubuhan Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua UPM telah mengirim surat kepada Y.B. Dato' Mustapa bin Mohamed, Menteri Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi pada 24 November 2006 untuk dialog perjumpaan membincangkan perkara pendaftaran serta penyerahan memorandum. (Lampiran 10)

Pada 29 November 2006, kami menerima surat daripada Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar UPM untuk menjelaskan permohonan untuk memperolehi pekeliling tentang dasar Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi yang dinyatakan dalam surat yang bernombor siri UPM/BHEP/UKSA/1. Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar UPM telah sekali lagi menegaskan bahawa larangan penubuhan persatuan berasaskan bangsa dan bahasa adalah selaras hasrat Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi. (Lampiran 11)


Kami membuat tuntutan kepada Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi adalah atas sebab-sebab berikut:

1. Deklarasi Hak Asasi Manusia Sejagat 1948 Perkara 20(1) Setiap orang adalah berhak kepada kebebasan berhimpun secara aman dan menubuhkan persatuan dan Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia Perkara 10 Kebebasan bercakap, berhimpun dan menubuhkan persatuan jelas menunjukkan bahawa setiap individu (rakyat) mempunyai kebebasan untuk berpersatuan. Hasrat untuk mewujudkan Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua merupakan hak asasi rakyat juga.

2. Kewujudan Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua adalah bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan budaya dan bahasa Tionghua kepada masyarakat. Keahliannya terbuka kepada pelajar yang berminat pada bahasa dan budaya Tionghua, bukannya berasaskan perkauman. Jadi adalah jelas bahawa Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua bukanlah sebuah pertubuhan yang memupuk semangat perkauman serta merosakkan perpaduan kaum. Dalam sebuah negara yang terdiri daripada berbilang kaum dan berbilang budaya, mengenali bahasa serta budaya kaum masing-masing mampu menggerakkan persefahaman sesama kaum dan seterusnya mewujudkan persaudaraan serta perpaduan di kalangan rakyat negara yang terdiri daripada berbilang kaum.

3. Tindakan pihak universiti menghalang penubuhan Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua sebagai persatuan yang baru adalah tidak munasabah dan tidak wajar, sedangkan di universiti kerajaan serta swasta tempatan yang lain mempunyai Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua yang berdaftar. Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua atau persatuan asas bahasa yang lain yang berdaftar pada masa kini termasuklah Persatuan Bahasa Cina Universiti Malaya, Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua Universiti Sains Malaysia, Persatuan Bahasa Cina Universiti Multimedia (Cyberjaya), Persatuan Bahasa Cina Universiti Multimedia (Melaka), Persatuan Kebudayaan Cina Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Persatuan Bahasa Cina Kolej Tunku Abdul Rahman, Persatuan Bahasa Cina KLIUC, Persatuan Bahasa Melayu, Persatuan Seni Tari Budaya masing-masing, dan lain-lain. Adalah tidak munasabah bagi pihak UPM menolak akan penubuhan Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua atas sebab ia merupakan persatuan yang berasaskan satu bahasa dan satu budaya.

4. Terdapat juga persatuan yang berasaskan satu bahasa, satu budaya atau satu agama yang berdaftar di bawah pihak Universiti Putra Malaysia, seperti Kelab Debat Bahasa Melayu, Persatuan Buddhist, Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam, Kelab Debat Bahasa Inggeris (DOSE), Kelab Debat (Unit Mandarin), Persatuan Seni-seni Silat (Lincah, Sendeng, Gayong), Kelab Nasyid Nahwan Nur, seketeriat kebudayaan kolej-kolej kediaman dan lain-lain. Nyata sebab yang dikemukakan oleh pihak Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar UPM untuk menolak penubuhan Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua UPM adalah tidak munasabah dan mempunyai pendirian yang kabur (double standard).


Justeru, Jawatankuasa Penubuhan Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua UPM menggesa pihak Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi agar menerima 3 tuntutan kami:

i) Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi dan pihak Universiti Putra Malaysia menarik balik kenyataan tentang dasar Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi yang menyatakan larangan penubuhan persatuan yang berasaskan bahasa dan budaya di universiti. Sekiranya pihak Kementerian bersetuju dengan kenyataan berkenaan, ulasan harus diberi dan dokumen secara rasmi tentang dasar tersebut harus dikemukakan..

ii) Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi serta pihak Universiti Putra Malaysia mempertimbangkan permohonan Jawatankuasa untuk menubuhkan Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua UPM secara adil dan saksama serta membenarkan penubuhan Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua UPM dengan segera.

iii) Pihak universiti-universiti tempatan yang lain mengemukakan syarat-syarat kebenaran untuk menubuhkan sesebuah persatuan dan pertubuhan secara jelas dan terbuka, agar lebih banyak pertubuhan yang masih tidak berdaftar di bawah universiti dapat berdaftar dan seterusnya mendatangkan lebih banyak kebaikan kepada mahasiswa yang merupakan harapan masa depan negara.

Wong Keen Yee
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa

Penubuhan Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua

Universiti Putra Malaysia

Disokong oleh:

  1. Persatuan Bahasa Cina Universiti Malaya
  2. Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua Universiti Sains Malaysia
  3. Persatuan Bahasa Cina Universiti Multimedia (Cyber)
  4. Persatuan Bahasa Cina Universiti Multimedia (Melaka)
  5. Chinese Community Students Committee of University Kebangsaan Malaysia
  6. Kelab Kebudayaan Tionghua Universiti Sains Malaysia (Kampus Kejuruteraan)
  7. Chinese Student Council Association Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  8. University Utara Malaysia Chinese Students Association
  9. Persatuan Kebudayaan Cina Universiti Tenaga Nasional
  10. Persatuan Bahasa Cina Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure Universiti College
  11. Student Union of New Era College
  12. Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam Universiti Putra Malaysia
  13. Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam Universiti Malaya
  14. Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  15. Universiti Malaya Association of New Youth (UMANY)
  16. Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM)
  17. Jawatankuasa Mahasiswa/I Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (JKMI)
  18. Inter Varsity Council (IVC)
  19. Malaysia Youth and Students Democratic Movement (DEMA)
  20. Gabungan Mahasiswa Islam SeMalaysia (GAMIS)
  21. Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM)

Gov’t urged to lift ban on Chinese language club

Gov’t urged to lift ban on Chinese language club
Andrew Ong
Nov 30, 06 7:55pm

Their organisation has been banned for over 24 years. But it didn’t stop the students from seeking to revive the outlawed Chinese Language Soci
ety at the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). However, their appeal to the campus authorities was rejected.

Today, the students took their case to the Higher Education Ministry.

Their appeal was made by a student committee set up to re-establish the organisation - which was deregistered in 1972 - through a memorandum to Higher Education
Minister Mustapa Mohamed today.

The memorandum was received by Mustapa’s press secretary Amar Ikmal, who had a chat with the delegation of 25 students, comprising committee members and several other Chinese-language society members from other universities.

After the 30-minute meet however, committee representative Wong Keen Yee
expressed disappointment that despite prior notification and the severity of the matter, they were unable to meet the minister personally.

“Amar said that the minister was very busy this week. However, he did say that the ministry would look into the matter,” Wong told malaysiakini.

Club forges unity

The crux of their complaint was a letter by UPM student affairs department, which rejected the application for the society’s establishment because the ministry has a policy against formation of racial or language-based associations.

The department said the policy was in place to encourage unity and integration among students.

However, repeated attempts by the committee to obtain documented proof of such a regulation from various authorities were futile, thus prompting them to raise the matter with the ministry itself.

In the memorandum, the group argued that the society aimed to promote Chinese language and culture, and its membership was open to all. It should therefore not be seen to be a racially exclusive club.

“In a country which consist of many ethnic groups and cultures, knowing each other’s language and culture can bring understanding and forge better ties among the people,” read the memorandum.

Double standards

Furthermore, the committee argued that denying the society’s registration was an act of double standards as similar societies already exists in UPM and other universities.

Examples include silat clubs (Malay martial arts), English debating clubs, Buddhist associations and Islamic students clubs.

The committee urged the university and the ministry to allow the registration of the society and show transparency in revealing the guidelines and regulations regarding the formation of such societies on campus.

In 1972, a crackdown on student activism dubbed ‘Operasi Mayang’ resulted in many student groups being deregistered, including UPM’s Chinese Language Society.

At present, only Universiti Malaya and Universiti Sains Malaysia have recognised Chinese language societies, while attempts to revive or establish such clubs exists in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


11/12/2006 ~ 13/12/2006
DO you know about your rights?
Let’s join dema human rights camp to know the basic human rights concepts and to avoid being the victims of violations. Let’s work together for a better future!
Activities such as exposure trip, movie screening, sharing session with the human right activists etc…
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------
Date : 11- 13, December 2006
(1 day Exposure Trip, 2 days Camp)
Venue : New Era College , Kajang, Selangor
Fees : RM 35
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------
Camp Content:
Exposure trip to social issues:
Refugee, labor worker, ISA (Internal Security Act), Squatter Area, and other marginalize groups.
Introduction to Human Rights
Exposure Trip Presentation
Malaysia Human Rights Condition Analysis
Movie Screening
Case Studies
Human Rights Activist Sharing
Youth Participation & Groups Discussion
Games & Games & Games…………
Further Information & Registration Please Contact:
Simon 012-4202264
Sok Swan 019-4150012
Email: demamalaysia@
Organize By:
Malaysia Youth and Students Democratic Movement (DEMA)
KL Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall Youth Section (KLSCAHY)

Huh! Still Consider? Just fill the form and send to DEMA email to register yourself !!!

7th Human Rights Camp

Date : 11- 13, December 2006

(1 day Exposure Trip, 2 days Camp)

Venue : New Era College, Kajang, Selangor

Fees : RM 35

Organizer :

Malaysia Youth and Students Democratic Movement (DEMA)

KL Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall Youth Section (KLSCAHY)

Registration Form

Name: Age:

Gender: Date of Birth:

IC No:

Contact No:


University / College:


Organization (if got) / Activity Experience:


Meals: Vegetarian Non Vegetarian



* You can submit this form to our email.

Information Contact:

Simon 012-4202264

Sok Swan 019-4150012


Office Add: 3, Jln 5/58, Tmn Gasing Indah, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

Office Tel / Fax: 03-77839525

Korean Union Group Declares General Strike

http://english. srv/service. php3?bicode= 040000&biid=2006112257618

Union Group Declares General Strike

NOVEMBER 22, 2006 06:55

At the Korea Press Center, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) held a press conference on November 21 and declared a general strike starting November 22.

The KCTU plans to launch an 8-hour strike on November 22, four-hour-long partial strikes from November 23 to 28, and other general strikes on November 29 and December 6.

The KCTU has also decided to send a delegation to the fifth round of Korea-U.S. FTA talks, which will be held in Montana, US from December 4 to 8.

Union head Jo Joon-ho said, "Since we haven't received any answer about our four major suggestions we made to the government and parties earlier, we will go on a general strike. About 300 thousand workers will join in, including members of the Kia union."

The KCTU showed its stance against the amendment of the Labor Management Relations Act and the Korea-U.S. FTA negotiations, and has also demanded greater job security for irregular workers and a total revision of Workmen's Accident Compensation Insurance.

"If a smooth negotiation cannot be carried out, the only result will be a strike. Because the Federation of Korean Trade Unions does not hold a general strike on most occasions, it is regarded as a "Yellow union" in foreign countries, which does not conduct the functions of a traditional union," Jo argued.

Jo answered a question about the negative impact of a general strike on foreign investors, saying, "Most foreign investors rely on short-term arbitrage, and few of them make long-term investments such as constructing a new factory."

At 3:00 p.m. on November 22, the KCTU will open a general strike rally in which 15,000 workers are expected to participate in front of City Hall, Seoul.

Spokesperson for the KCTU Woo Moon-sook said, "It will not cause a serious problem to the economy because the strikes from November 23 to 28 will be partial."

Meanwhile, Vice Labor Minister Kim Seong-jung called for the withdrawal of the strike announcement, arguing, "Korea is the only country in the world where unions go on a strike every one and a half month."

Police and local authorities crushed the people houses!

No more houses, where can the people live?

Our police? They are cruel enough!

Arul was then arrested, dragged and handcuffed by around ten policemen.



Note- the local authorities have confiscated and deleted the photos taken

Ampang, 20 November 2006

After almost 8 hours of defending 62 houses in Kampung Berembang, finally the police and local authorities crushed the resistance resulting in 23 arrests including arrest of PSM and JERIT leaders, houses being demolished and burned down and one women in a very critical condition, fighting for her life in the hospital.

After only managing to demolish 2 houses on Friday, the MPAJ(Local authorities) with the developers and the police came again this morning to finish the job which they failed to complete last week. At the village, all three entrances to the village have been blocked by human shield and other items. There were also a large number of activists mainly from JERIT and PSM, along with several other villagers from other Urban Settlers community aligned to the Coalition of Housing and Urban Settlers present. The situation was tense and the people waited for the showdown.

After more than 3 hours of initial stand-off, the first ambush by MPAJ at around 10.30am saw a massive clash between the local authorities and the villagers. The fight broke out with every corner, fist fighting, punching and dragging. The local authorities with 3 huge demolition machines failed to penetrate the human shield but it resulted in the local authorities arresting and assaulting 8 people – 2 villagers and 6 activist. The assault was brutal but the people were equally strong and the first wave of attack by the authorities failed. There were injuries from both sides. Both parties retreated to original positions.

Then came the second round of stand still. The District Police Chief of Ampang, ACP Amer and his high ranking officers were also prevented from entering the area from another location. That resulted in another arrest by the police. Human Rights Commissioner, Dato Siva Subramanim arrived shortly. Then in a series of negotiation between the District police Chief, Dato Siva, MPAJ officer- Ismail, the developer and PSM Secretary general S.Arutchelvan created a stand still but a tense situation.

The police Chief told that he prefers to call off the operation as he said the situation is very tense and serious and he wants to avoid a bloodshed. Siva Subramanima said that the demolition should be called off and SUHAKAM (Human Rights Commission) will conduct a meeting with the relevant bodies to resolve the issue.

But the Local authorities- MPAJ who were under the Instruction of the Developers was very adamant to bull doze. They told the police that they have enough people to carry out the operation. The police then told all parties to hold on, as there were attempt to reach certain Government authorities to call off the exercise.

Both parties stood their ground. The developers and the MPAJ said that the people did not have an Injunction while the people said that the case was to be heard in April next year and therefore the authorities have to wait and the land status must remain unchanged. Then the police Chief, MPAJ and SUHAKAM representative went to the Developers site office with the instruction that there should be no forced eviction until some agreement can be reached.

Just after 1 pm, the whole situation from gloom changed to happiness when 2 villagers shouted victory and carried with them some papers. They managed to get a letter calling for the demolition and forced eviction to be postponed. The letter was released by the Prime Minister's Department and signed by the Prime Minister's private secretary. The villagers Pak Lang told the people gathered, the Government has opened its eyes. We have a letter now and thanked everyone. The activists were very caution and told the people not to be fooled but wait for final confirmation that the forced eviction exercise will be called off. Pak Lang has already started singing praises for the Prime Minister.

A team villagers and PSM Sec Gen, S.Arutchelvan then took the letters to the Developers site office. They were shocked to find that the Developers has catered a lot of food to feed the government servants. Meanwhile the Human Rights Commission, Dato Siva said that the letter is good enough to stop the demolition of houses. He said this is the highest authority- The Prime Minister's Office. He later held a Press Conference at the side and left.

An hour later, things became sour again when Riot police started parking their heavy vehicles in two main entrance to the village. The news then came that the Selangor Chief Minister (MB) Khir Toyo has overruled the PM's letter and has called for the operation to carry on. Pak Lang was stunned and in tears. The villagers were stunned. The Villagers then made a human chain with the activist and waited for the ultimate assault, which was imminent.

Then a team of police under the order of the Deputy Police Chief came to arrest PSM Secretary General S.Arutchelvan, who was at that time the key negotiator. He was told to surrender but he remained defiant. Arul was then arrested, dragged and handcuffed by around ten policemen. He was then taken away to a separate police detention center.

The rest of the people continued to hold on. They managed to hold on for another half an hour, then the next series of arrest took place. Sivarajan, PSM's Treasurer, Chang Lih Kang- SUARAM were arrested, other JERIT leaders as well other activist and villagers were arrested. 13 more people were arrested, a fight broke out, more people got injured and one young lady collapsed and did not regain consciousness. She was taken to the Hospitals. The authorities moved from every angle, one house was razed and the rest went down one by one. The resistance collapsed under a heavy presence of riot police with authorities outnumbering the people to 3 to 1.

All arrested were taken to Ulu Kelang police station except for Arutchelvan who was kept at Ampang Police Headquaters. He was later taken to Ulu Kelang and after a massive protest by Human Rights Groups, all those arrested were released just before midnight the same day. They were released on police bail and told to report at the Ampang magistrate on 4 th. December. Around ten police reports at different parts of the country was also done by the JERIT network condemning the arrest and the forced eviction..

At the village, the houseless people erected tents. They were still stunned how the Chief Minister- Khir Toyo can overrule a letter from the Prime Minister's department. They are now more convinced that the Prime Minister has no control. The Human Rights Commission is equally stunned and are going to call for a Press Conference the following day.

The arrest of 23 people is perhaps the first time after many years when such a huge resistance was put up. The last major resistance in an Urban Settlers area was in 1998 in Kampung Sg. Nipah where 55 people were arrested. Today the resistance in Kampung Berembang has radicalized the community there. The people are putting up tents and are staying put in the same land. Under the ruins, they are going to attempt to build their homes again.

The resistance this time also saw how the various races can unite under a class solidarity to fight the oppressor. The villagers- all of them Muslim Malays have now realized a few important lesson. They now see that the issue is simply that the Developer(capitalis t) has bought over the local authorities and the State Government and police are standing behind them. The Prime Minister letter did not stand. The only people who stood with the poor urban settlers were other settlers from various ethnic and comrades from the socialist party and the JERIT coalition as well as ther activist. They understand who are their allies and who are their enemy.

List of people arrested:

1. Adli Abdul Rahman

2. Ahmad Tamrin

3. Arutchelvan

4. Awalluddin Sharif

5. Azman Mohd

6. Chang Lih Kang

7. Ebrahim Haris

8. Faezae Ramzi (15 years old)

9. Fiqtriey bin Al Hakimi

10. Kumaravee

11. Lechumy Devi Doraisamy

12. Lee Huat Seng

13. Mohan

14. Mohd. Rajis

15. Parames Elumalai

16. Ramachanthiran Ananthan

17. Ramalingam Thirumalai

18. Sabariah Ayoub

19. Sevan

20. Sivarajan
21. Sugumaran

22. Thevarajan Ramasamy

22. V. Wani

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I dare you to do the same...

Below is the statutory declaration of Chew Siew Fong, which was sworn before the Commissioner of Oath, Vijeya Murugasu.


Saya, CHEW SIEW FONG (No. Kad Pengenalan: 831125-08-5616) beralamat di 523, Jln 18/6, Taman Sri Serdang, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, dengan ini sesungguhnya dan sebenarnya mengatakan bahawa:-

1. Pada 17 Julai 2006 (Isnin), bos saya, Encik Chang Teck Peng (Ketua pengarang menyuruh saya pergi ke Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) untuk membuat liputan berita tentang persatuan pelajar di dalam UPM. Saya tiba di cafe k12 pada pukul 6 petang. Pada masa itu , Gerakan Mahasiswa Maju (GMM) UPM sedang mengadakan kaunter perkhidmatan.

2. Pada pukul 6.30 petang, saya nampak Pengerusi Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) Abdul Manaf bin Ariffin mengetuai kira-kira 50 orang pelajar mara ke depan kaunter perkhidmatan GMM. Timbalan pengerusi Majlis Tertinggi Mahasiswa (MTM) kolej 12,Eddy Azuan menunjukkan kenyataan mengenai AUKU dan menyatakan kaunter perkhidmatan Mahasiswa tidak didaftarkan dan tidak boleh mengadakan aktiviti di dalam kampus.

3. GMM tidak meninggalkan kafeteria kolej 12 kerana mereka tidak membuat apa-apa. Kumpulan pelajar itu pun berundur ke tepi. Selepas 10 minit, mereka balik ke kaunter GMM.

4. Mereka dengan kasarnya menolak meja, menarik kerusi saudari Wong Chai Yi serta menolak kerusi saudara Ooi Tze Min dan saudara Ng Yong Jin sehingga jatuh. Mereka juga bersorak-sorak, menjerit, bernyanyi dan menghentak meja dengan kuat. Mereka mengepong 6 orang pelajar GMM.

5. Saya sebagai seorang pelatih wartawan, mula menangkap gambar, tetapi pelajar-pelajar yang mengepong pelajar GMM cuba menghalang saya daripada terus mengambil gambar. Mereka menggunakan kasut, bola rugby untuk menghalang saya. Saya bercakap banyak kali ”Jangan Sentuh Saya”. Mereka tidak mendengar dan terus menghampiri saya. Ada seorang pelajar Melayu yang memakai cermin mata banyak kali menganggu saya dan mendampingi saya. Saya berasa terancam.

6. Sekumpulan orang mengepong pelajar GMM. Saya seorang perempuan pula dikepong oleh beberapa orang lelaki. Saya berasa sangat takut. Mereka melakukan perbuatan yang tidak senonoh di depan saya. Tiba-tiba, ada orang menarik saya ke arah pelajar GMM. Nama dia Lee Huat Seng. Dia telah menyelamatkan saya daripada keadaan yang teruk itu. Kami tidak membuat apa-apa. Saya bersama-sama dengan pelajar GMM, berdiam diri, berdiri sahaja dan menunggu ketibaan polis.

7. Mereka terus mengepong kami. Mereka menjerit-jerit di tepi kami. Saya cuba mencatatkan perbualan mereka. Mereka merampas pen saya. Tiba-tiba, ada orang cuba merampas kamera saya dari belakang. Kamera saya terikat pada tangan kanan saya. Saya ditarik dan terjatuh bersama dengan saudari Wong Chai Yi.

8. Apabila polis tiba , saya berasa selamat dan menangis dengan kuat. Orang-orang yang mengepong kami terus mengusik saya dengan meniru cara saya menangis. Dalam seluruh kejadian, pegawai keselamatan yang bernama Yusof bin Mohaideen pun berada di tempat kejadian (kafeteria K12), tetapi beliau tidak menghalang kira-kira 50 orang pelajar daripada terus membuat kacau-bilau.

9. Selepas itu, kami pun membuat laporan polis di balai polis Sri Serdang. Saya diberitahu bahawa polis telah mengklasifikasikan kes ini sebagai kes jenayah.

10. Pada hari 28 Julai, saya telah dipanggil untuk berjumpa dengan Jawatankuasa Siasatan di Kolej Muhamed Rashid (KMR), UPM pada pukul 10 pagi. Pelajar lain yang turut dipanggil adalah saudara Ooi Tze Min, saudari Lim Sok Swan dan saudara Kam Poay Hua.

11. Penyiasatan bermula dengan meminta kami menulis semula kronologi kejadian tersebut. Selepas itu, kami dipanggil untuk memberi keterangan seorang demi seorang, di dalam sebuah bilik yang berlainan.

12. Berikut adalah percakapan apabila tiba giliran saya untuk memberi keterangan:-

a) Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Siasatan, Dr. Abdul Rahman menanya saya, ”Anda consider sendiri pelajar atau pelatih wartawan dalam kejadian kafe k12?” Saya menjawab ”Saya ialah seorang pelatih wartawan. ”

b) ”Adakah anda pelajar UPM ?” Saya menjawab ”Ya.”

c) Beliau juga tanya saya, sama ada saya telah mendapat degree saya? Saya menjawab belum.

d) ”Berapa ramai orang dikepong?” Saya menjawab ”6, 7 orang.”

e) Beliau bertanya:”Pasti?” Saya berfikir untuk seketika dan menjawab ”7 orang.”

f) ”Mengapa anda terjatuh?” Saya menjawab:” Ada orang cuba merampas kamera saya dari belakang dan saya pun terjatuh bersama dengan saudari Wong Chai Yi.”

g) ”Anda mahu laporkan ?” Saya menjawab:” Ya, kerana kamera saya cuba dirampas dan rosak.”

h) Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Siasatan Dr. Abdul Rahman memberitahu saya bahawa saya perlu menyatakan nama dan fakulti orang yang merampas kamera saya. Saya memberitahu beliau bahawa saya tidak kenal orang itu. Dr. Abdul Rahman pun bercakap pihak UPM tidak dapat tolong. Saya kena cari investigator.

i) Beliau juga bertanya adakah saya mendapat kebenaran untuk masuk ke UPM. Saya jawab tidak, kerana saya juga pelajar upm yang tinggal di luar kampus.

j) Beliau memberitahu saya bahawa saya tidak mendapat kebenaran daripada pihak universiti dan tidak dapat menyatakan nama orang yang merampas kamera saya, pihak universiti tidak akan bayar ganti rugi kepada saya.

k) Beliau seterusnya bertanya mengapa saya berada di kafeteria pada masa itu. Saya menjawab saya datang untuk membuat liputan tentang persatuan pelajar.

l) Beliau minta saya memberi definasi kepada ”keganasan” kerana saya menulis perkataan ”keganasan”dalam laporan saya. Saya menjawab orang-orang itu menolak orang, menjerit dan merampas kamera saya. Dr. Abdul Rahman pun berkata, ini bukan ”keganasan”, tetapi ”kasar”.

m) Dr. Abdul Rahman menanya saya mengapa tangkap gambar? Saya menjawab saya sebagai seorang pelatih wartawan, saya perlu menjalan tanggungjawab saya. Beliau bercakap: ”Kalau anda ditangkap gambar oleh orang lain, apa perasaan anda?”

n) Beliau juga menanya saya dari mana saya dapat gambar? Saya bercakap dari pelajar GMM.

o) Beliau bertanya: ”Kamera kamu telah rosak, mengapa kamu masih mendapat gambar? Ada apa niat?” Saya pun bertanya balik: ”Ada apa niat?” Beliau menjawab tidak tahu.

p) Beliau menanya saya adakah saya tahu tanggungjawab dan tugas saya? Saya menjawab saya hanya mengikut arahan bos saya. Saya hanya melaporkan kebenaran.

13. Seluruh proses penyiasatan ada direkodkan dengan kamera video.

14. Saya tidak pernah mengaku di depan Jawatankuasa Siasatan bahawa saya terjatuh atas kecuaian sendiri.

15. Saya mengatakan apa yang diakui di sini adalah dibuat secara rela tanpa dipaksa oleh mana-mana pihak.

Dan saya membuat akuan berkanun ini dengan kepercayaan bahawa apa-apa yang tersebut di dalamnya adalah benar serta menurut Akta Akuan Berkanun 1960.

Diperbuat dan dengan sebenarnya )
Diakui oleh penama yang tersebut di atas )
Di Serdang, Selangor pada 23hb Ogos 2006 )

Dihadapan saya,


Friday, September 08, 2006

Kempen Tandatangan Pekerja Kilang akan mencapai kemuncaknya!

Kempen Tandatangan Pekerja Kilang akan mencapai kemuncaknya!
80,000 kad tandatangan daripada rakyat yang mengandungi tuntutan- tuntutan
pekerja kilang akan diserahkan kepada Perdana Menteri!


21 September 2006 (Khamis)



Berikan Sokongan & Solidariti anda dalam perjuangan pekerja kilang yang menjadi tulang belakang untuk pembangunan negara!

Untuk keterangan lanjut, hubungi: Gabungan Pekerja Kilang & Kesatuan(GPKK) , 72b Taman Sri Langat, Jalan Reko, 43000 Kajang, Selangor.
Tel/ Faks: 03-387370766 Simon: 012-3290683

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Deputy Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Department , University of Putra Malaysia (UPM) should RESIGN!!!


博大发生的事件,相信大家都了解了。如果还是不是很清楚,可以到《独立新闻在线》或《当今大马》阅读详情。两次事件发生(7月11日和7月17日)后,我 都有到沙登警察局了解状况。博大校方尝试把事情种族化,甚至警方也掉入这种思维。沙登警局局长Abdul Aziz Awang致电通知我警方已经着手调查时,也“顺便”叫我“请”前进阵线的学生们暂时不要活动,因为这是种族问题,很“敏感”。

读了网络 上许多论坛对这件事的评论,都倾向从种族冲突的角度来谴责滋事的学生。我非常反对类似的分析,因为虽然牵涉的双方是不同的种族,但是,整起事件非常清楚是 一件刑事案。一群人以威胁性的行为(包围、推撞、言语和行为羞辱、大声喊叫等),企图把几位学生赶出一个公共的空间(宿舍食堂)。这不管是由哪一个族群发 起、发生在哪一个族群的身上,都与肤色没有任何关系。就比如白人谋杀黑人,不管凶手的动机是什么,都必须接受法律的制裁,无关种族!

Hairan dengan apa yang dipaparkan di hadapan mata anda? Hairanlah anda. Kes keganasan ini bukan berlaku di luar negara tetapi dalam kawasan kampus Universiti Putra Malaya, Malaysia. 17 Julai baru-baru ini, segolongan pelajar dari Gerakan Mahasiswa Maju telah mendirikan servis kaunter di kafé Kolej ke-12. Tiba-tiba 50 pelajar yang dianggotai oleh pengerusi Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar Ab Manaf Ariffin muncul dan terus menghalang GMM dari menjalankan aktiviti mereka. Seterusnya , timbalan pengerusi Majlis Tertinggi Mahasiswa Eddy Azuan menakut-nakutkan anggota GMM dengan perintah Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti. Seterusnya beliau berundur buat seketika untuk mendengar arahan dari rakan-rakan. Selepas itu, mereka datang balik dan mengepungkan anggota-anggota GMM.


Funny version: Who let's the dog out?

My question toMustapa Mohamed, Minister of Higher Education.
How sincere is the ministry / government to amend UUCA, in order to "free" the students from their fetters?

If the government is sincere, how come there are so many cases of university authority suppressing the students' activities during the orientation month? How come the perpetrators are not punished?

Please read:

Friday, March 31, 2006

Europe have started to protest the violated system!

At this time (Early afternoon Tuesday 28th March) it is clear that these protests have been much bigger than the 1.5 million who demonstrated throughout France on Saturday March 18, a largely non-working day.

For over five weeks now France has seen a mounting series of protests against Villepin’s CPE. The CPE, the “First Job Contract”, allows workers under 26 to be sacked without reason or warning during their first 24 months with any employer. While the first mobilisations started mainly amongst university students they have rapidly spread to school students and now both manual and white collar workers. March 28 was the fifth national day of protests.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Malaysian Youth and Students stood out agaisnt the war and occupation!

Last year, there were only around 500 participants in the annual anti-war protest. The crowd was treated by chemical-laced water cannon though it was a peaceful assembly. 19 police reports were lodged against the then Cheras OCPD, ACP Mohd Noor. He was eventually transfered to other department.

One year after the incident, the people do not succumb to the pressure given by the authority. Instead, more protestors attended the anti-war protest held on last Sunday. Besides, the number of students involved in the anti-war protest this year largely increased too.

This year, the police was comparatively professional. They were willing to negotiate. No untoward incident happened in the protest. Once again, this has proven that public assemblies can be held in very peaceful manner if there is no provocation from the authority.

Below is the Anti-War Declaration read in the assembly:

Kuala Lumpur Anti-War Declaration - 19 March 2006

LIES, LIES and more LIES from the US and its Allies in their so-called "war against terror" causing untold deaths, destruction and misery. It has been THREE YEARS since the US and its Allies committed war of aggression against Iraq starting 20 March 2003. The invasion and continuing occupation of Iraq is an act that reaffirms the imperialist ambitions of the US, an act that defies international law, the United Nations, the worldwide anti-war protests and the will of the Iraqi people. The "war against terror" far from making the world a safer place, is making the world more and more unsafe. It fuels more wars, terrorism, deaths, destruction, Islamophobia, intolerance, hatred and the lowering of human rights standards.

It is already well-established that the Iraq war in reality has nothing to do with bringing "freedom and democracy" to Iraq. In 2004, medical journal the Lancet stated that more than 100,000 civilian Iraqis have been killed. Many more are killed on a daily basis. Thousands more are detained without trial in Iraq and many hundreds more in Guantanamo Bay. Torture and humiliation go hand in hand in these detentions.

As was the case in the invasion of Afghanistan, the invasion of Iraq is for the US to gain access to Iraq's oil and to strengthen its hegemony in the Middle East region by establishing a pro-US regime in Iraq, just as it did in Afghanistan. The US practices double standards; one set of standards for the US, its Allies and Israel, and another set of standards for Iraq, Palestine, Iran and any country that stands up to the US or its interests. The US Government is immoral, unrepentant and unrelenting. The US now plots for war against Iran.

The liberation of Iraq from US occupation and the accountability of the perpetrators are crucial to building global justice, the rule of law and a more equitable world. Their struggle is our struggle.

We condemn the continuing occupation
, the use of torture, the lawlessness, the deaths and destruction and the absence of human rights standards in Iraq. We condemn all attacks anywhere on innocent civilians. We support the legitimate right of the people of Iraq to resist the occupation by all means necessary. We oppose the attempt by the US to legitimise its occupation through the setting up of a pro-US regime in Iraq.

We demand that the US and its Allies be held accountable for crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression and be prosecuted under international law.

Immediately and unconditionally withdraw from Iraq now!


More photo:

Related news:

Colourful anti-war protest draws 1,000

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Third Anniversary of the War and Occupation of Iraq

March 18 & 19 - International Days of Action Against the War






10am till 12.00noon

bring banners
bring placards
bring efigy
bring yourself and your friends

For Inquiries: call
S.Arutchelvan - 019-2537791
Latheefa Koya - 012-3842972

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Students taking orders from party leaders

Students taking orders from party leaders
Feb 16, 06 3:20pm

I wish to comment on the reply from Wan Mohd Firdaus, as chairman of UKEC (United Kingdom Executive Committee for Malaysian Students), on accusations of non-independence of the student body.

It is gratifying to know that he takes his position seriously and endeavours to steer clear of partisan politics. However, the real situation in UK is just an extension of what is happening in Malaysia. The blame lies in the political leaders and their narrow policies and the civil servants carrying out their stated duties, some being over-zealous.

First of all, I challenge the government in denying that some of the students in UK, as well as anyway else where it is deemed necessary, are acting as spies for the Special Branch.

The Malaysian Students Department in the UK, besides carrying out its normal duties, also tries to control the activities of Malaysian students, for example, when they are organising seminars involving personalities deemed unsuitable, for example, Anwar Ibrahim. In spite of him being described as irrelevant, wherever he went to, an alternate event was held to prevent the students from attending his, with warnings too. It was wasteful when coaches provided by the government for prescribed events go about almost empty.

It is a fact that for those under government or government-linked scholarships, they will be told to refrain from organising, or even attending, events involving opposition leaders.

The MSD, being under the Malaysian High Commission in UK, oversees all the Malaysian Students’ Societies in the universities, polytechnic and colleges. By taking orders from the ruling party leaders accustomed to their narrow objectives of using government funds for their own objectives, is it any wonder that any student body making use of its facilities is seen to be non-independent especially in this case, involving MCA!

To be truly independent, UKEC has to avoid making use of any facilities involving Umno, MCA or MIC. Otherwise, nothing is going to change the fact that the government has double standards when dealing with students under UUCA. (Subscribe and read full article in malaysiakini)