You know that Malaysia is moving into Dark Ages:
· Two opposition newspapers (Suara Keadilan and Harakah) has been suspended for 3 months
· Online news media are not given access to UMNO General Assembly
· There is a blatant miscarriage of justice in Malaysian courts
· Any statement offending the BN government especially about the Prime Minister in waiting is deemed as sedition and you are pulled to the court
· Parliamentarians who are vocal are thrown out of parliament or suspended.
· A racist protest is allowed and given police protection, but a protest for justice and human right is attacked.
· Pakatan Rakyat governments are constantly being threatened
· Racism is highly propagated in mainstream media
· The rakyat are doused with chemical laced water cannons by FRU for attending a ceramah by the opposition parties
· Police are having a free hand in intimidating the rakyat
· Police are used to silence political opponents as crime rates increase and nothing much is being done
· A 60 billion stimulus package is launched with nearly 80% of the money used for bail out and given to private sector to ensure the capitalists support.
Yes, repression by the new regime has just begun. An act of desperation to cling on to power. An act of ego to show off to the rakyat who is incharge. An attempt to create the fear climate among the rakyat . A cheap and dirty tactic to break the spirit of unity among the rakyat using race issues.
On top of the repression, the rakyat are also neglected. No policies or plans to help the rakyat out of the worst economic crisis. People’s money is being used to save cronies and big businesses as the average Malaysian suffers to make ends meet. The BN government continues to cheat the rakyat saying all is well. When the alternative media reports the truth they are banned and threatened.
However, what the premier in waiting Datuk Sri Najib has forgotten is that, Malaysia and Malaysians are not the same anymore. Banning of newspapers, arresting leaders is not going to break the spirit of change in the rakyat. Information flows easily now through the internet and advancement of the technology has made it accessible to the younger generation who are significant number of voters. The rakyat had enough of BN and its component parties for the past 50 years. The younger generation wants genuine change and is ready to throw out the old system. Even the older generation in their middle ages is fed up with BN and its suffocating and repressive machinery.
The overdose propaganda of mainstream media and its biased reporting really makes the average Malaysian feel stupid. Do they think Malaysians are dumb as the BN government’s spin doctors continue to spin out unbelievable, pro BN stories that can be easily verified through independent blogs and websites to know that they are twisted.
Now with increased repression, the BN government is further losing its credibility in the eyes of the rakyat. But do they care? NO ! they don’t , as long as they have the power , money and the machineries they will not care. 5 years down the road they will come begging to us to vote them in. Not only beg, they will threaten, they will bribe, and they will do all kinds of things to remain in power.
But we the rakyat care. We want a Malaysia free of BN tyranny. We want democracy restored. So we need to work hard. It should not be about taking power alone. The work we should do now is to EMPOWER the rakyat! The people’s power should be nurtured and sharpened so that when there is a change of government in the future, the change can be defended from all this unscrupulous tactics by BN. Not only that, the rakyat should be empowered and enlightened so that they will not tolerate power abuses, repression and violations of their rights no matter who is in power, BN, PR or any other party.
The rakyat should always fight against the repression by the government of the day, so that Malaysia will come out of Dark Ages and march towards a new dawn in democracy.